Live Transfer Mortgage Leads

Live Transfer Mortgage Refi Leads

Live Transfer Mortgage Refinance leads are great for mortgage firms that require warm inbound calls. In this case, a call center does all of the upfront work reaching out to prospective homeowners, building rapport, generating interest, verification of the homeowner meeting basic qualification criteria and getting a homeowner to agree to being transferred to a mortgage originator. When this is done a transfer representative transfers the call to a mortgage originator, makes an introduction of the homeowner to the mortgage professional and then leaves that conversation between the two moving forward. Many mortgage professionals like this because the majority of the effort is not spent on generating and opportunity and the focus in on sales. With technology today, many mortgage centers, branches and offices take nothing but inbound calls and this is one way to accomplish that.

There is an additional element to live transfer mortgage refinance leads bought on a cost per call basis that bears discussion. There is a buffer available on live transfer mortgage refinance leads ranging from 30 seconds to 5 minutes meaning that you can buy leads that meet a minimum length of conversation standard to qualify as a paid lead. Please note that the higher this buffer which is sometimes called an indicator.

The campaign comes with a sales manager administrative review panel that records the conversation between the transfer rep and the prospective homeowner, the introduction made by the transfer rep of the borrower to the mortgage originator as well as the conversation between the homeowner and the mortgage originator. Used properly a mortgage sales manager is able to review call center scripting, quality of the lead transfer process, mortgage originator performance and lead quality. The recorded calls may be reviewed for teaching and training opportunities as well as identify opportunities to transfer leads not worked well enough to other reps or even second voice the deal if necessary. The goal is to help managers capture as many new homeowners and fund as many deals as they can. The system when taken advantage of will do just that.

HARP Live Transfer Mortgage Refi Leads

The HARP Mortgage Refinance Live Transfer Lead may be more of a custom mortgage refinance live transfer campaign or it could be a part of a live transfer mortgage lead campaign where the recipient of the mortgage live transfer works both traditional refinances and HARP refinances at the same time. Again the burden of making contact, building rapport, verifying basic qualifications and getting homeowners interested enough to transfer to a mortgage originator is left to the call center.

The call log and recording panel with administrative access for managers allows for review of lead quality, mortgage originator lead treatment and identify good opportunities that may have slipped through the cracks. When a manager uses the technology to identify the missed opportunities he or she will be able to quickly reassign the lead to someone that will handle it well or the manager may choose to support that mortgage originator with a second voice to close the deal. It takes buy-in from the sales manager to get the full value and support that the tracking technology provides to mortgage firms and when embraced will allow mortgage firms to convert more HARP Mortgage Refinance Live Transfer Leads.

A buffer or indicator ranging anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes is available and will affect the cost of the lead. The buffer allows the HARP Mortgage Refinance live transfer buyer to reasonably work the lead to a point of accepting the lead. For some the additional cost will make sense and for others the Harp Live Transfer Mortgage Refinance Leads without the buffer will be more affordable.

Custom Live Transfer Mortgage Refi Campaigns

Custom Live Transfer Mortgage refinance campaigns could be any number of focused mortgage campaigns that include FHA, VA and HARP refinances. In many cases a mortgage office or branch is writing all of the different types of refinances available today and it does not matter but there is a growing desire in the marketplace to have one or another. The focus on mortgage refinances with recent guideline changes that are perceived to make lending a little easier drives the interest in custom mortgage refinance live transfer campaigns.

The campaigns build in scripting to cultivate the lead based on the focus of the mortgage company and in essence are tailored to the needs of the mortgage firm and the campaign that they are focused on. Calls are transferred when they meet the criteria of the mortgage refinance campaign that is being worked and the campaign comes with the same valuable technology that includes call logs, recordings and managerial access that comes with all live transfer mortgage refinance lead campaigns